
Biden is not the problem, but merely evidence of a bigger issue

Amanda Vanstone
July 4 2024 - 5:30am

Joe Biden isn't the main problem for the Democrats or the United States. He's just evidence of it. Failure to regenerate. The most laughable and tragic aspect of this debacle is the idea that it was Biden's performance during the debate which made his shelf life as President clear. We're expected to believe that up until then everything was fine. He was in great shape and ready for another four years. That's just complete rubbish. Does anyone really think that up until last week's debate everything was hunky dory?

Why did they ignore reality and press on? It may have started with Biden being like so many other leaders and believing he was better than anyone else. But at some point, some considerable time ago, it must have been obvious to everyone else that that just wasn't true. And they not only did nothing to stop the nightmare, they choreographed it. What kind of dust were these people inhaling?

WATCH: Other members of the group can be seen gently guiding the US President back to the fold after he seems to wander off during the parachuting demonstration.

Imagine what sort of people let or make a man in his condition try to behave as if there is no issue. For far too long, daily they've pushed an old man out to reveal his inadequacies, to be mocked. Globally. We're not talking about building the confidence of someone struggling with diminished capacity by saying things like "great job".

We are looking at sending out into the spotlight of the world media an old man who is so past being competent it is embarrassing. Nobody I know with a mere semblance of decency would do that to someone they disliked, let alone to a friend.

If you're struggling to think of anyone you know who would do that to another human being imagine a whole bunch of people working together to do it. Large elements of the Democratic Party machine and Biden's family have been cooperating (it's so much nicer than conspiring) to hide the truth for far too long.

Horror at the possibility of Kamala Harris stepping in may have spurred on the delusion that they could keep propping up Joe. Those of us who are genuine believers in diversity, equity and inclusion as a principle sometimes cringe at the consequences of a failure to apply the principles effectively. Tick a box DEI works to the disadvantage of the groups it's meant to help.

The Kamala Harris appointment has made it harder, not easier, for the next female candidate of colour. Sure there are doctored videos designed to make her look a giggling girl with no gravitas. But there are real ones as well. What's worse is that there just aren't videos of her displaying gravitas, acumen or understanding.

Here's what everyone in America knows: there's no "I had a dream" speech in her head. So the powers that be just decided to stick with Joe. Medical advice must have told them what anyone could see. His time had gone.\

US President Joe Biden in Belgium in 2021. Picture Shutterstock
US President Joe Biden in Belgium in 2021. Picture Shutterstock

Ask yourself how incompetent, weak or crazy you would have to be to let that situation just slip on down into chaos. That's the Democratic Party today. They all let this happen. It may be that Joe succumbed to the dreaded leader's disease where you become convinced you are the best and only you can lead the team to victory. But that doesn't explain his team, the Democratic Party and his family all agreeing to go along with that.

Go further back to when Biden's difficulties weren't apparent. Didn't anyone with any clout point out that regeneration and renewal are vital aspects of the growth of any organisation?

Both the Democrats and Republicans have people who've been creeping around Congress for decades too long. It seems as though these party machines think they should be fighting each other rather than fighting for America.

Democracy is meant to be a triumph for the common man. That has been forgotten by many. The Democrats talk down to people who aren't in the tertiary educated woke world. Stupidly they've pushed an ocean of people into Trump's hands. Hillary Clinton calls them "deplorables". Clearly their self-delusion knows no bounds.

The right of centre commentator Charles Murray pointed out that if you think more of your neighbour's son with a few, maybe esoteric degrees and no job than you do of the guy who mows your lawns, looks after his family and pays his bills you have a serious problem. America has it and we're not far behind. Start putting the common man in front, commonsense might start to prevail.

Doesn't anybody in the Democratic Party remember the Kennedy years? A young man in his forties captured the hearts of a good deal of the Western world. He inspired generations across the globe, built hope for a better future, generated enthusiasm for great challenges like landing a man on the moon and spoke more of seeking peace than war.

Former prime minister Julia Gillard made a speech to Congress 13 years ago. Clearly the Kennedy magic was still alive. She said: " For my own generation, the defining image of America was the landing on the moon. My classmates and I were sent home from school to watch the great moment on television. I'll always remember thinking that day: Americans can do anything. Americans helped free the world of my parents' generation. Americans inspired the world of my own youth. I stand here and I see the same brave and free people today. I believe you can do anything still."

It was a good speech. Her experience was the same as mine. But that last bit rankled.

The Vietnam war came to mind as did the debacle of the Louisiana Superdome being used badly, yet again, as a shelter from Hurricane Katrina. "Do anything" was just a few bridges too far for me.

Nonetheless she rightly captured the confidence, hope and enthusiasm that the Kennedy years gave the world for so long.

She went onto say: "There is a reason the world always looks to America. Your great dream - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - inspires us all."

My guess is she wouldn't say that today.

Kennedy wanted America to be the best it could be. Today's leaders just want to beat the other side. How did Americans let this happen?

  • Amanda Vanstone is a former senator for South Australia, and a former Howard government minister. She writes fortnightly for ACM.
Amanda Vanstone

Amanda Vanstone is a former senator for South Australia, a former Howard government minister, and a former ambassador to Italy. She writes fortnightly for ACM.